Sunday, May 26, 2019

Moms Meet_DRY Soda_Free Sample Party Review


I signed up for which is an awesome community of parents and caregivers that collaborate on information to help guide you and your family to a healthy better for you lifestyle. In this community, you can sign up to become either a mom ambassador or a blog ambassador. The mom ambassadors are women or moms that have a moms group where you will be able to share some great goodies with your group. The Blog ambassadors need to have a blog already set-up and make sure you know how to track your visitor usage before applying because they asked a million questions about how many visitors, followers, likes, etc. After becoming approved as either a mom or blog ambassador, you are then able to start applying to receive for free, test, and review some awesome products that you can feel good about giving to your family. In the community you can also participate in quests based on the sample applications and learn more about the products and earn some points for With your points you are able to redeem them for some goodies, occasionally they have surprise sample boxes available to redeem but I have not yet been lucky enough to catch them at the right time. Other than that I feel the prizes are pretty generic and are stuff I could print off of google myself so I do not want to redeem my points for those items. They just announced the implementation of badges, which I am super excited about. They have been mentioning badges for a while but it just started up where you can receive badges for completing quests, completing sample missions, joining in discussions, and more. I love the badges because it gives you a fun way to visually track your progress and remind you of the awesome sample meetings you have gotten to host. I also love that they offer coupons or discount codes for the products that they are featuring, I already saved 10% on trash bags from Amazon thanks to one of these codes for HippoSaks. Definitely checkout to start contributing with other mamas and to have your chance at some great free items.

This time I was selected to host a Moms Meet group meeting featuring sodas from the DRY Sodas Co.  I was pretty excited for this sample meeting because my mama loves sparking sodas so I couldn't wait to share it with her and our other guests.

In the Sample Pack we received: 

  • 1 DRY Soda reusable bag 
  • Informational Postcards 
  • Coupons for 1 Complementary 4 Pack of DRY Sparkling Sodas
My son and I traveled to our local King Soopers, Target, and Safeway stores to get a variety of the flavors that we wanted to try at the sample party.  I found that most stores only care 1 or 2 flavors so we had to travel around to find what we wanted. Now after the sample party I have noticed that most stores are carrying more of the DRY Soda products on a consistent basis.  The flavors we chose were the Vanilla, the Lavender, and the Blood Orange flavors.  The Vanilla and Lavender flavors came in a glass bottle, whereas the Blood Orange flavor came in a can.  We chose to only pick up three of the flavors because we wanted to have some coupons left over to give out to the mamas that would be joining the sample meeting.  For the meeting I set out some little plastic cups so that each of the guests could get a small taste of each of the flavors without having to open a new bottle/can each time. This worked perfectly and allowed us to only open 1 or 2 of each flavor and had some unopened left over for the guests to take home. 

The likability seemed to depend heavily on whether the individual already liked flavored sparkling water drinks or not. For myself, I don’t ever like flavored sparkling water so these were not an item that I really loved but for others like my mama who do like those drinks these were quite a treat.

The vanilla flavor was the most popular by far and was one that we purchased an additional package of after having hosted the party.  It has a great light vanilla flavor with the sparkling carbonation which is a great combo.  Most of the guests asked for seconds or thirds, and one even asked for a whole bottle to enjoy herself. 

The lavender flavor was a surprise to us, we thought that this would be a favorite because both my mom and sister love lavender flavored foods like lavender truffles and other items.  We were excited to pick up a pack of the lavender flavored drinks but to our surprised when we tried them, no one liked the flavor as much as we liked the other flavors of DRY Sparkling soda that we had tried.  I don't think anyone attending the meeting would choose to purchase this flavor again.

Blood Orange
The Blood Orange flavor was by far my favorite of the three that we tried. I already knew that I liked blood orange flavor so I was excited to try this one out but I have found that blood orange flavor seems to be a hit or miss sort of flavor with most people.  Some of the guests did not like this flavor at all while others liked it as one of the best. 

Overall the drinks were good, they are not something that I loved enough to purchase on a consistent basis but if I had to drink one of these at an event or something, I would not mind. I think these would be a great option for anyone who likes flavored sparkling water drinks or give them a try if you're looking to just switch things up a bit.  So check out DRY Soda at your local grocery store to see what you think.

Social Sharing: #FreeSample  @SnipSampSave#SnipSampSave #SnipSampSave   @MomsMeet #MomsMeet      @MomsMeet  @momsmeet  #DRYSparkling #DRYZeroSugar #womenled @DRYSoda

Checkout DRY Sodas here:
Where to Buy
DRY Soda Facebook
DRY Soda Instagram
DRY Soda Pinterest
DRY Soda Twitter

Checkout moms meet to join the community and have a chance of receiving products to sample:
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Checkout videos from other Moms Meet Sample Parties we have hosted here: 
Moms Meet Youtube Playlist - SnipSampSave

Checkout my unboxing and review video here, maybe like and/or subscribe, I would really appreciate it!

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