Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Ripplestreet_ Kikkoman Grilling Party_ Free


I signed up for which recently changed to . It is an awesome community where you are able to set-up your personal profile then Head over to the party applications page to start applying to host some awesome parties. They also have “chatterbox” opportunities to receive products to test and review without having to host a party. The chatterbox opportunities are far more limited than the party host opportunities but always keep an eye out for both types of ways to participate. The house parties are great, they send you a box full with all kinds of goodies to make your party great and there are always coupons to purchase the specified products (usually for free) or they will include the products in the package. There are also always plenty of extra goodies to make the party fun but also to give away to your guests to take home. I have been lucky enough to host about 5 parties in less than a year and have learned about so many great new products so I definitely suggest signing up.

This time I was selected to host a Kikkoman Grilling Party. We chose to host this party for our 4th of July celebration at our house before the fireworks. We usually don’t do a whole lot of cooking with kikkoman products in our house aside from a select few recipes so we were super excited to try out some new flavors.

In the party pack I received: 
  • 1, $25 AMEX Gift Card
  • 1 Grilling Tong
  • 1 Soy Sauce Booklet
  • 11 Recipe Booklets
  • 11 Coupons for a Free Kikkoman® Product
  • 6 Large T-shirts
  • 5 Extra-Large T-shirts
For the party, we decided to try three of the recipes from the booklets that were provided for the party. He recipes we chose were the, Castilian Herb Grilled Chicken, Beef Teriyaki Takumi Kabobs, and Teriyaki Sweet Corn. Prior to the party I knew there were a variety of Kikkoman products but I had absolutely no idea how many different things they offer. I cannot wait to keep trying new Kikkoman recipes for my family!

This was the first time that I had made Kabobs and apparently I need some practice because most of the sicks caught fire on the grill. I did soak them for over an hour as the directions said but it didn’t seem to help. I think I should have soaked them overnight to help prevent them from catching fire. Despite the fire situation, the Kabobs came out pretty well and they tasted great… it’s not like you’re eating the stick anyway so who cares if it’s a little burnt.

Castilian Herb-Grilled Chicken: We loved the Castilian Herb-Grilled Chicken breast. I purchased some chicken breasts from my local grocery store then followed the directions to marinate the chicken in the Kikkoman sauce that I made from the recipe. I was running a bit late to get everything set up so I only marinated the chicken for a little over an hour but I we were all very happy with the results. I then grilled up the chicken breasts on the grill and they cooked great, I was happy that the marinade was not super sticky and didn’t result in a hard outer crust on the chicken as some marinades do. I thought this recipe was great but gathering all of the ingredients took some time, I think that just marinating in the Kikkoman Takumi sauce would be equally as good. I think I will try some variations of my own with these recipes in the coming weeks.

Beef Teriyaki Takumi Kabobs: These Kabobs came out alright, the taste was great but the presentation was not so fabulous. This was the first time I have ever made Kabobs so I did my best to follow the instructions and I soaked the kabob sticks for a couple of hours in water so that they wouldn’t burn but apparently I did not soak them for long enough. For the kabob items I purchased some steaks and cut them into square pieces as well as onion, bell peppers, and fresh pineapple. Similar to the Castilian Chicken, I made the marinade from the recipe then let the kabob ingredients soak in the marinade for a couple of hours. I then put all of the ingredients on skewers and set them out on the grill. It was only a short time before several of the skewer sticks began to catch fire and broke as we tried to move them to a lower heat. Overall, we were able to save the kabobs and they turned out to taste great just the look of them was not as pretty as I had hoped. I think next time I try to make Kabobs, I will soak the skewers overnight and will also place the ingredients closer together on the stick to help prevent them from catching fire.

Sweet Teriyaki Corn: The sweet Teriyaki Corn was the recipe that I was most excited to try but it turned out that it was probably the least favorite of the recipes that we tried. I purchased some fresh corn on the cob at our local grocery store and grilled it up then covered it in butter and the Teriyaki Takumi sauce as directed. I thought that the corn was ok and I ended up eating most of it but the other guests took only a couple of bites then went back to the other meal items. I think in the future I will stick to just regular corn on the cob.

Social Sharing: #KikkomanParty #KikkomanGrillingParty #Sponsored #FreeSample @Ripplestreet

Checkout these Kikkoman recipes here and a coupon to save $0.55 on any Kikkoman product:

Checkout Kikkoman products here:

Checkout Ripplestreet here:
Checkout my unboxing and party video. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, it means a lot to me!! 

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