Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Dunkin' Donuts Coffee_Free Sample


Several months ago, I was able to place an order for a free box of Dunkin' Donuts coffee in their new signature flavors. The idea was to test out these new fancy flavors, then log in to the website and vote for which one was the best. I was able to order a pack for myself and an additional pack for my mom which was great, that way the whole family was able to try these fun flavors. I actually waited far too long to open these and the voting ended up ending before we could try them all but it turned out that the winner was the one that we would have voted as the best anyway so I guess others felt the same as we did.

Blueberry Pancake: This one was just plain awful. Through trying a number of variety sample packs, my family has found that none of us like berry flavored coffee AT ALL. Even just the smell and it begins to upset my stomach these days. A couple of months ago, I found an unopened canister of Huckleberry coffee in my cabinets and decided to start making it using the reusable Keurig cup, I first made some for myself and although it was pretty much awful, I slowly drank as much as I could stomach before making a different cup of coffee. After having decided that I hated the flavor, I tried to give some to my husband to take to work but he came home and said “what the hell did you give me, I cannot even get the taste out of my mug”. I then started giving it to my mother who tolerated it but after a while she nervously mentioned how she really didn’t like it either. I think she was afraid to hurt my feelings but in reality I was the one trying to trick her into drinking something that everyone else hates. I was hoping that this blueberry pancake coffee would be better than the off brand huckleberry coffee but unfortunately it was not even the slightest bit better. I could tell by the smell, as soon as I opened the package that it was not something that I would like but thought I would give it a try with Hubby again. Yet again, he came home and asked “why the hell did you give me that berry shit again?”, all I could do is laugh as my mom came around the corner and said “yeah, don’t you know yet none of us like berry coffee”. So now we know ABSLUTELY NO berry coffee for us again, the second package made its way to the office lunchroom for someone else to take home and suffer through the taste.

Coconut Caramel Cookie: This one was ok, I have been giving it to my husband because he doesn’t mind the coconut flavor whereas I cannot stand coconut flavor so I am not even willing to try this one. He has not complained at all about this one, I know he doesn’t love it as he has not been finishing his coffee but he seems to tolerate it as he has not complained and drinks most of the cup. I thought it could have been slightly more caramel flavored, typically I can smell the caramel flavor in the coffee grounds of different brands but this one just smelled like regular coffee and did not have much of a coconut nor caramel flavor to it. Mostly just sourness rather than flavor.

Dulce De Leche Cookie: If I had to pick a favorite, this one would be it but it is still nothing special compared with the other coffee that I would typically purchase. This one too has a sour sort of flavor to it and it is much more watery than I would like it to be but it has a slight hint of cinnamon flavor that I seem to like. I am drinking this really just to get rid of it and to get a few days where I am not wasting my delicious k-cups that I love but honestly I cannot wait to be done with this stuff. None of these flavors are something that I would have picked by choice and now after having tried them I definitely would not purchase these or probably any Dunkin Donuts coffee based on this experience.

Let’s be honest here, these were just OK. Everyone raves about how good Dunkin Donuts coffee is, and maybe that holds true for their coffee if you pick it up from a restaurant but based on our experiences with these flavors, I would not be enticed to purchase any Dunkin Donuts coffee for home again. I thought that all of the flavors had a sour taste to them and all were far too watery for me; in general I like a dark roast and this was far from that. Although I like a dark roast, I am not very picky with my coffee as any is good but this was just far too watery, it was like warm brown water in my opinion. I was just not impressed. I feel sort of bad for Dunkin Donuts in this situation as at least in my case, the plan completely back fired and I ended up hating their coffee all together rather than finding a new flavor to love. Oh well, better luck next time!

Checkout Dunkin' Donuts coffee here:

Checkout my unboxing video here:

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