Sunday, March 18, 2018

Mucus Fighters Community - Free Prize Pack


I joined the Mucinex Mucus Fighters Social Community which is a great place where you can collaborate with other members to either get or share some great ideas about ways to keep yourself and your family happy and healthy. In the community you also have the opportunity to accept missions that require you to share about the community and Mucinex on social media in exchange for the change to receive a prize or free sample. Thanks to one of the challenges we completed, we were selected to receive a free Mucinex Prize Pack.

In the Prize Pack we received:
  • A Mr. Mucus Doll
  • A Mucinex reusable bag
  • 1 Coupon for a free Mucinex item up to $16.00 value

My little one was so incredibly excited to receive 2 of the Mr. Mucus stuffed animals. He has switched off between which one we take with us when we go places and he has slept with both of them every night. He named one of them Carl and the other one Jim and he had me write their names on their tags so that we know who is who and he has made me give a kiss to Carl and Jim every night when I give him his kisses and hugs at tuck in time.

With the coupon, I was able to pick up a full sized package of Mucinex Day and Night pills at Target. By choosing to purchase the regular pills rather than the liquid gels, I was able to get a larger count box with my coupon so that was great. I had not previously noticed that liquid gels have fewer per package and are more expensive than regular pills so I will have to watch for that in the future.

This experience was so fun for my son and I that it made me feel so greatful for having signed up for this community. I love to make my little one smile with surprises, especially when it is something free. He is also very money conscious (more than I would like for him to be), so it is extra exciting for him too when he knows we received something as awesome as this for free.

Definitely check out the Mucinex Mucus Fighters community for your chance to receive some great free items, or coupons, or to just contribute to the community.

Social Sharing: #MucusFighters #Sweepstakes #FreeSample #Free

Checkout the Mucus Fighters community here:
Checkout our unboxing video here:

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