Tuesday, February 13, 2018

KY Social Sharing Network


I joined the KY Social Sharing Network in hopes of receiving some tips and possibly getting some free samples or coupons.  So far I have not received anything for free but I have been working on completing any possible missions in hopes that someday I might receive a free item.

In this network, you are able to participate in social media missions but the best part is their discussion community where you can join with others to discuss your sexual health.  One of my favorite options is the link to ask a doctor some questions, this is nice because it is a discrete way to get some great information from a trained professional.

They have topics like these that you can participate in:

How to plan an intimate night in with your partner?
Preparing yourself for intimacy with someone new
Ease your way into role play

For the Valentines Day mission, I checked out some of the KY products at my local grocery store.  They are currently having a sale on these items for Valentines Day and it was clear that many people are taking advantage of the sale as many of the products were either sold out or nearly gone.

Hashtags: #ValentinesDayWithKY #FreeSample

Check out KY Social Sharing Network here: https://kycommunity.socialmedialink.com

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