Sunday, December 17, 2017

Generation Good - Free & Clear Baby Wipes Free Sample


I was selected by Generation Good the sample sharing network from Seventh Generation to sample and review some Free & Clear Baby Wipes for Free.
In the Sample Pack we Received: 
3 packets each containing 2 wipes

My son is now turning 7 years old next week so these were not very useful for the traditional use for baby wipes but I like to still have some around the house to wipe hands and faces.  I have also found that baby wipes work wonders for a number of household chores such as cleaning the walls and most of all cleaning the front loading washing machine.  I used these wipes on my sons face and he did not flinch back from the smell nor feel which was nice. I also used another pack to clean a wall that had gotten dirty and was amazed at the strength of these wipes.  They held up incredibly well for cleaning the walls and I was able to re-wet it in the sink and continue using.  I would absolutely recommend these to anyone that has a young child and I would without a doubt pick these as my primary wipe choice if I were to have another child.  The strength of these wipes is fantastic to avoid mishaps with poopy diapers and cheap wipes, certainly worth spending a few extra dollars.

Check out Generation Good to connect with others and possible receive some samples:
Check out Seventh Generation here:
Check out my unboxing video here from Youtube:

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