Tuesday, October 17, 2017

My Magazine - Simple Truth Organic $5 Lunch

We were selected by the My Magazine Sharing Network to take part in the #LunchBoxChallenge  free sample mission to pack a lunch for $5 or less using Simple Truth Organic lunch and snack items.

In our kit we received: 
1 Organic Unsweetened Apple Sauce cup
1 Packet of Cheddar Kangaroos
1 Pack of coupons for:
  • Lunch Kits 
  • Peanut Butter
  • Animal Crackers
  • Cheddar Kangaroos
  • Fruit Snacks 
  • Apple Sauce Cups

At the store we purchased:
1 Lunch Kit - $2.99
1 6ct Package of Apple Sauce Cups - $2.49
1 12ct box of Fruit Snacks - $3.69
1 6ct box of animal cracker packets - $3.19
1 8ct box of Cheddar Kangaroos - $3.99

To be honest, this was one of the most disappointing sample missions that I have completed.  I ended up spending much more than I typically would have on these types of snacks and in the end my son was not a huge fan of really any of the items.  The only things he sort of liked were the fruit snacks, and to be honest I have to agree, the animal crackers and cheddar kangaroos are edible but not fantastic.  I suppose if you divided out the dollar amounts by the number of products in each box, you would possibly come up wth a lunch for under $5 but I found this to be a pricy lunch and felt that with starting at $3 then adding snacks the cost quickly added up.  My son is 6 years old and eats quite a bit so to start with the lunch kit at $2.99 then add on the cost of the additional snacks it just seemed expensive in comparison to the items I pick up in bulk at Costco. Additionally, after all of these snacks, we realized that we did not have a drink.  It would have been nice had they included a coupon/sample of a drink that could have been included in the lunch.  

I do not think we will be purchasing any more of these products in the future but we definitely appreciated the chance to try something new and would be willing to try other products from this brand in the future.  

Check out the My Magazine Sharing Network for your chance to sample and review some great products MyMagazineSharing

Check out our unboxing and lunch setup video below: 


#LunchboxChallenge #FreeSample #Sponsored #MyMagazineSharing

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