Friday, October 13, 2017

Moms Meet - Splenda Naturals Free Sample Meeting


We were lucky enough to be selected to sample some Splenda Naturals Sweetener from Moms Meet.  We held our sample party with some great mamas who were glad to try some of the Splenda in a glass of iced tea and each of the ladies took a few sample packs and coupons for later.  At first, some were skeptical about the Splenda because they worried it would have that funny aftertaste that everyone remembers but I was able to tell them about the new formula that is supposed to help to eliminate that taste and they were all more interested.  After sampling at the party they all did agree that it did not give them that funny aftertaste with the items we sampled containing the Splenda as sweetener.  My mom definitely liked this and was super excited to get a few extra sample packs that were left over after we finished the party.  

We also received a great little set of measuring spoons/cups, it is one set all together with a clip that has both. My mom also really liked these.  

We received: 
1 -set of measuring cups/spoons
1 -Box of 40 packets of Splenda Naturals 
1 -2lb Bag of Splenda Naturals Sugar & Stevia 
a whole bunch of sample packets and coupons 

If you are a blogger or have a moms group and would like to sample some great products, sign up at for your chance to be selected to sample.  
They also have great reviews you can read about better for you products that other moms have sampled.  

Check out our video of unboxing the moms meet package and some great images from our sample party.  

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