Friday, October 13, 2017

Moms Meet - Color Garden Food Dye Free Sample

We were selected by Moms Meet to test and review some Color Garden All Natural Food Dye.  It
came in a small box with 4 primary colors; green, red, yellow, and blue.  The instructions said that these colors may be mixed to create alternative colors just as you would any other food coloring.

We first tried to use this food dye to color some cookie dough for the very simple Betty Crocker Spritz cookies that we frequently make at our house.  All was fine until we added the coloring, we mixed it into the dough and as we continued to mix I began to realize that the consistency of the dough was changing in an unfamiliar way.  After the color was mixed in, the dough turned out to be more of a sticky bread dough consistency than the dry spritz cookie dough that I am used to.  We ended up unable to use the cookie dough and decided to use the remaining food dye colors in a different way.

I then read the instructions more closely and realized that they indicate that this coloring should be used to color frosting.  I then went to the store and picked up some cake mixes and a tub of Pillsbury White Frosting and 1 container of Cool Whip because my mom prefers whipped cream frosting.
My son and I went to work making our Funfetti, and chocolate cupcakes then we used our remaining colors to spruce up our frosting choices.  We used the yellow coloring in the white frosting and the red coloring in the cool whip.  The coloring that we added to the frosting worked fantastic and just a little bit of the yellow seemed to go a long way and made a very vibrant yellow color.  Unfortunately when we moved on to the cool whip we struggled some more, in the cool whip we had to use the entire red coloring packet to color just a small bit of cool whip and the color never really turned red.  We ended up with a sort of salmon colored cool whip with white spots because the dye did not seem to mix in very well to the cool whip.

This food dye really only worked well with regular sugary frosting but other than that I was not incredibly happy with the outcome.  I do not think I would purchase this on my own because of its limited uses but I was thankful to have the opportunity to try them for free.

Check out our video below of unboxing the food dye and of my son and I frosting our cupcakes.

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