Thursday, September 7, 2017

King Soopers - Trading the old Free Cookie for a healty snack

We just noticed that our local King Soopers grocery store has started providing a free fruit snack for kids rather than the old Free Cookie. 


As a kiddo myself the free cookie was always the highlight of visiting the grocery store, even as an adult I usually steal a free cookie for myself, I usually justify it because neither my sister nor my son want their cookies so I figure if the children don't want them I will eat it.  Doesn't everyone remember those pink cookies with the pink chips in them, lord I love those. 

As I mentioned above, my son has never had any interest in the free cookie, no matter what flavor it was. That is why this new free fruit for kids is so perfect for our family Now it is not a struggle to convince my son to go to the store with me, Now I just bribe him by saying "ok, lets go get a free fruit" that gets him every time.  He is very money conscious so loves getting freebies so this somehow motivates him to shop around the store with me where he then picks other items like raspberries and blueberries. 

My little one is such a great eater, and I am so thankful to King Soopers for finally catering to kiddos like mine who are learning the ways of healthy eating at an early age. 

I feel like a proud parent looking at this post!!!

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