Sunday, September 3, 2017

Taste of Colorado 2017

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday September 2nd, we went downtown for the Taste of Colorado in Civic Center Park.  I have to say as far as vendors go, it was one of the best years we have had in a while, there was so much to see but unfortunately it was very hot yesterday making it difficult to really care about what you were seeing.  The most interesting stands were those that had some sort of misting happening.  As for samples though, nearly nothing.  We did have the opportunity to try a sample of some Xing Tea and also some Pepsi 1893, both of which were good but it was just a little taste, nothing to take home.  The Peoples Fair that is held in June usually has more sampling opportunities but I was surprised by the lack of that at the Taste of Colorado.  It was a good time and we will be back next year as always but I don't count on much sampling there.

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