Sunday, September 3, 2017

Smiley 360 - BIC Velocity Sample Mission

UPDATE: We are loving these at our house, my sister is getting a lot of use out of them with school.  My son on the other hand has difficulty with Embracing the Erase, it is not easy to erase all of your hard work when you are only 6 years old.  I understand but at least when we mess up we now have this awesome large eraser to save us tome in erasing. 
We are learning to #EmbraceTheErase in our home. 

Here is one of the pictures my sister made, she know how to #EmbraceTheErase

And check out our unboxing video here!!!

We received our next Smiley 360 sample mission.  This one is for BIC Velocity mechanical pencils which my sister will be using for school.  They included 10 coupons for $1.00 off more packs of the pencils.  These are great because they have a large eraser which is something that definitely would have come in handy for me years ago. We are so lucky to have been accepted to this sample mission to receive these free from Smiley 360, what a treat to start the school year right. 

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