Friday, September 15, 2017

I Love Smiley 360

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to post a short note  and video I made on why we are loving Smiley 360. Smiley 360 is a Sample Sharing site where you can sign up, fill in your profile, then eventually you will be matched with a free sample offer.  Make sure you watch your email so you can get in and accept right away because spots to fill up.  Then after receiving the product, try it, then share about it with your friends and family in person and also through the sharing tools on the Smiley 360 website.  Their sharing tool is great, you are able to select a post for various sites (twitter, instagram, facebook, pinterest, etc..) all at once so it is super easy.

Here is the link to sign up:

So far we have received a FREE sample mission for some Advil Menstrual Pain relief and also for some BIC Velocity mechanical pencils.  They have also had some other fun missions that involved coloring a picture, which was fun for the whole family.  We have really enjoyed the products we have tested so far and look forward to testing more in the future.

Check out my youtube video on why we love Smiley 360

Here are some videos of the products we have received before

Also, check out my Instagram video about why I love Smiley 360:

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