Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Stand up for accurate labeling - protect your sensitive areas

I had no idea that there was not a requirement to disclose what ingredients are included in the sanitary products that myself and my sister use.  In fact it is not something that I had ever really thought about at all but after reading this information, it definitely makes sense that there should be some rules around this.  Thankfully, Seventh Generation announces that Representative Grace Meng has introduced the Menstrual Right to Know Act to stand up for women to have knowledge of what we put in our sensitive spots.

They discuss that the Vagina is basically a super absorber and can intake drugs and chemicals directly into the blood stream without being metabolized first.  I guess I sort of knew this, I remember the rumors in college of girls who would soak tampons in alcohol to get drunk faster but I guess I just always thought that was an extra crazy and never thought much more about it to the point of thinking what chemicals I may be putting around that area with my very normal sanitary product use.

I think I will start paying a little more attention to what I purchase next month and following the progress on the Menstrual Right to Know Act as it continues through the process.

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